Aeris |
![]() And now, the big debate. Can Aeris be brought back to life? Since there are so many rumors on just this topic, I made a page just for itself.
1. Saving Aeris
Personal Opinion:I'm not even gonna ask... - Reno Personal Opinion:Well, I've done it... with the gameshark of course. And guess what happened... She still died!... Rude (To add more I know have done it without Gameshark so false still...) Status: False (PROVEN) 2. The Revival Process. This Rumor has finally been proven false Things you will need to complete this activity: Four Tissues (lose battles at the arena) One mastered Revive materia The Apocalypse (Clouds 3x growth weapon) Four hours of playing time (on average) Every player of the game is familiar with the revive materia, the one that contains the spells life and life2. What most do not know is the fact that this materia can gain AP even after it has been mastered, with an interesting result. Revive can be leveled up to level four, even though it only has three visible levels. To obtain the extra level, you must first accumulate 800,000 AP after revive has been mastered (Depending on how you played the game, you may have to get up to 1,500,000 AP. The most efficient way to go about doing this is to obtain Cloud's triple growth weapon, the Apocalypse (as far as is known, no other weapon works), and fasten the mastered revive materia to it. You should then go to a place where you can get lots of AP, such as the North Cave. Fight the Magic Pots (the ones that ask for elixirs) until you have accumulated the required AP. You should then have received another spell for revive, Resurrect. It's obvious what you must use the new spell for. The next place that you must go is to Aeris' house in Midgar. If you have not already obtained the Sector 5 key, you must go to the Bone Village and have the diggers dig next to the airplane. Once you have the key, proceed to Midgar, and visit Aeris' house. Go to her room. Nothing will happen at first, but you can spur on an important series of events if you use four tissues (lose or win fights in the battle arena) next to Aeris' bed. After you do this, Cloud will be overcome with grief, and will yell, "Why did you have to die?." Once he composes himself, the other people in your party will come out, and Cloud will discuss with them his desire to bring Aeris back to life. They will question you at first, but will soon be brought to agreement. Your group will suggest that you visit the church in Midgar, where you may find some insight on how to get Aeris back. On the way to the church, use the savepoint to access your PHS. Make sure that your party includes Cait Sith. Then enter the church (if this is your first time in it after disk one, you will see a ghost of Aeris). The two children who appear next to the flower bed will ask where the flower girl is, but will then notice the cat (Cait Sith) in your group. They will ask to play with the cat, and Cait will agree to it and leave the church with the children. The ghost of Aeris will then appear before you. She will mention the resurrect spell (which you should already have), and will tell you to go to the Ancient City, which is your next destination. Retrieve Cait Sith from the children and proceed. At the city, go to the spot where Bugenhagen inserted the key (the waterfall with the crystal in the middle of it) and enter the waterfall. Here, Cloud will remember what Aeris told him, and will take the Revive materia out of his pocket (or wherever it was at the time). He will mutter, "I never got to tell you...," and begin to cry. Composing himself, Cloud will place the materia on the pedestal in the center of the waterfall and kneel before it in prayer. The materia glows brightly and begins to shimmer with a green light. It then turns into a ball of light and shatters. In front of Cloud, the crystal glows so brightly that he must hide his eyes from it. When the light goes down again, Cloud looks up and sees a ghostly image of Aeris, which tells him to go back to Midgar and enter the Church. At the church, the image of Aeris will appear again, but this time it will not vanish. Your group inspects the flower bed, and Aeris gets up and walks towards you. It is then that you notice that she is not a ghost. As if to answer your unspoken question, Aeris looks at Cloud and says, "Don't worry, Cloud, it really is me... Maybe now we can do all those things that we never finished the first time around..." Personal Opinion:Whoever thought this one up put a LOT of time into it, I give them that. I haven't tried the whole rumor, so go to it, it could work! - Reno Personal Opinion:A resurrection spell?... Well who knows. If anyone has done this e-mail Reno. I doubt it could be done though... Rude (ok now I have done this too for sure there is no way of getting ressurection spell believe me) Status: False(PROVEN) 3. The Classic Process This was probably one of the first revival processes to get out First off, you must be nice to Aeris throughout the game whenever you have a choice. When you come to the old man in the pipe in Midgar, you supposedly can let Aeris care for him to make him feel better. You later see a sad scene of the man dying. After Aeris' death, go back to midgar and by this time you should have found a YELLOW underwater materia orb, not the blue one. You talk to the man outside the pipe, anonymously called the "General", and he says how sad he is that that "nice girl" died. He says he may be able to help you, and sends you to Wall Market to pick up a Revival potion. You take it to Aeris' grave to bring her back. This rumor was later denied by the creator himself, a supposed Square employee.
THIS IS THE EXACT THINGS THIS SO CALLED SQUARESOFT EMPLOYEE SAID!!!!!!Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info... but they did. I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes. I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily. Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her. You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided (Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance). Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. By doing this, the "GENERAL" as people call him, would trust you, and request you go buy his dying friend something from the store. A simple quest. After doing so, the GENERAL would tell you thanks, and that if there was anything else you need ever, to ask him for help. You then see a scene with his friend dying. A sad scene. :( Now, continue through the game as normal, and after Aeris dies, go on to the second CD. Once here, return to Midgar with the key from CD1, and the GENERAL will ask you where the nice girl (Aeris) is. You explain that she has died, by Sephiros, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle (where Aeris died). The GENERAL would tell you that he thinks he may be able to help, and to come back later. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit. If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. After doing this, return to the GENERAL, who would provide you with a Yellow materia that allowed the entire group to travel through water. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr. Fish, and once you touched him, you would be transported under water, to a cavern, where, at the end, lay Aeris' orb/life essence. With this orb, Bugen Hagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church. Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key to Midgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability to ressurect Aeris. HOWEVER, they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split- second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unforunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came. I ran across this info while talking to John H. (another temp like me) trying to get some US script from him for our channel's page. Also, Seph wanted it. I asked him if it would be alright for me to release the script info in an altered form, and to release info on gameplay, such as Aeris' death/ress. Then he told me the deadline story, and I almost had a heartattack. He said that the process can still be done to its completion, sans a couple of scenes, with the Game Shark, but until someone develops a MOV player that handles multiple sector files, the true ending will not be seen. Oh, and about the ending... There were supposed to be scenes with the hidden characters, but things got cut short, so they weren't added, and the end of the ending was terrible, without even the typical "THE END" in the stars. AND HERE IS HIS CONFESSION!!!!!!!!! I Have a Confession to Make by "Ben Lansing" "I am writing this to quench all rumors about Aeris and the completeness of Final Fantasy 7. Final Fantasy 7 was completed to the best of Square's ability and funding." Hmm ... you leave the internet community for a few months, and people are STILL dragging your old shit around. Okay folks, this is getting a bit absurd. Can't you all take a joke? Look. I have a confession to make, and if you stick with me and read this WHOLE post, you'll learn a lot more about this whole AERIS thing. A lot of you know me as Ben Lansing. Way back in March-April of 97, when FF7 had first came out, I bought it (an imported version), and loved the hell out of it. While rummaging around online one day, I stumbled across some madman raving about the scene with Bugen Hagen near the end of disc 2. The game being in Japanese and this guy being full-blooded American, this scene came across to him as something else: a failed ressurection attempt. He started posting to the FF7 Message Board about all of this, saying that perhaps Aeris could be revived ... and people started jumping in on it. All sorts of stories began flourshing about ways to bring her back, and I did a lot of research on this before I ever posted my first message on that board. I decided to see just how silly people could be. I had actually understood everything that had gone on during the game, so I knew lots of ways to trick people into believeing things. I already had a silly audience who believed nearly anything, so I took a great step when I came out with my Aeris Ressurection process, under the name of Ben Lansing, an alleged translator for Square. Without even reading this process, people should have known I was lying to start with. I claimed to be a temporary translator for Square. Well, anyone with any common sense knows that Ted Woolsey and the Square team did NOT translte FF7 ... SONY did it, all in Japan, and all within the parent company - NOBODY WAS HIRED FROM THE OUTSIDE! But ... being the gullible fish that I thought everyone was, they swallowed it whole without a second thought, and I became a near-idol on that message board. I decided to see just how far I could carry all of this. Several people on the message board started rebuking what I said, claiming me to be a liar and even catching me in a few little fibs. However, I also had a strong support, backed by a few guys you may remember as Fish, Mooncalf, Smear, Casper71, Zakna, and so on. We strongly opposed anyone who claimed we were liars. They do not know to this day that it was all a hoax. Some of them even made up little lies themselves in defense of me. I thought that was a bit overboard, but people will be people. We went off and founded a channel on DALNet: #Aeris. You people may remember it, and some of you may even visit from time to time. We had contacts with Crow (Miranda's Cafe) who helped us advertise and such. Well, as more people came to know about us, more people started doubting me. I went as far as to give over ownership of the channel to Fish and Zakna, while having my name removed from the #aeris home page. Things were looking bad, so I made one final post to the message board and vanished from the net. Here it is, with comments I have to make about why I said certain things: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info... but they did. I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes. I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Okay ... this paragraph was just a little introduction saying that the ressurection process was originally in the game, and while translating things, I saw it and so confirmed it without playing the game. Sounded credible, didn't it? Obviously it did ... read on ... Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily. Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. More babbling ... then I go on to describe the Aeris revival process IN FULL ... heehee First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her. You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided (Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance). I added this cause it sounded believeable too, as there were several key decision points in conversation that seemed to have no effect on the story, when in fact they really do: their real purpose is to dictate who is going to date Cloud in the Gold Saucer ... read on... Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. By doing this, the "GENERAL" as people call him, would trust you, and request you go buy his dying friend something from the store. A simple quest. After doing so,the GENERAL would tell you thanks, and that if there was anything else you need ever, to ask him for help. You then see a scene with his friend dying. A sad scene. :( There's a problem here ... you don't find out about Aeris's heritage till Disc 2. Another dead giveaway that this was a hoax had people been listening carefully ... Coupled with the fact that there IS no Midgar Key in disc 1 ... geez ... Oh yeah ... why did you guys call this man the GENERAL? I never figured that out ... but I just took the name and ran with it ... hell, it worked, didn't it? :) Now, continue through the game as normal, and after Aeris dies, go on to the second CD. Once here, return to Midgar with the key from CD1, and the GENERAL will ask you where the nice girl (Aeris) is. You explain that she has died, by Sephiros, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle (where Aeris died). The GENERAL would tell you that he thinks he may be able to help, and to come back later. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit. If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. After doing this, return to the GENERAL, who would provide you with a Yellow materia that allowed the entire group to travel through water. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr. Fish, and once you touched him, you would be transported under water, to a cavern, where, at the end, lay Aeris' orb/life essence. With this orb, Bugen Hagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Gee ... people still believed me after hearing THIS? BUGEN HAGEN WAS NOT TRYING TO RESSURECT AERIS!!! GEEZ!!! Also, a YELLOW orb gives commands ... I'll admit that there was an Underwater orb in the Japanese version, but it was removed from the executable code and cannot be gotten. It was later added in the US version. Geez ... what gullible people ... But wait ... there's more ... Well, the FMVs were all completed on time, but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church. Er ... manipulating a transparent polygon isn't that hard at all ... no more so than a regular one ... Look at cloud's Ultima Weapon ... geez ... probably several other transparent things too in the game ... and besides ... the blip of Aeris in the church is NOT\ transparent to start with. This is yet another blatant lie that nobody ever bothered to reckognize... Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key to Midgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability to ressurect Aeris. HOWEVER, they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split- second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unforunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came. Wow ... interesting ... the only reason Aeris appears in the church is Cloud's memory ... any moron should be able to figure that out. I ran across this info while talking to John H. (another temp like me) trying to get some US script from him for our channel's page. Also, Seph wanted it. I asked him if it would be alright for me to release the script info in an altered form, and to release info on gameplay, such as Aeris' death/ress. Then he told me the deadline story, and I almost had a heartattack. He said that the process can still be done to its completion, sans a couple of scenes, with the Game Shark, but until someone develops a MOV player that handles multiple sector files, the true ending will not be seen. Heh ... multiple sector MOV files. Right. And pink monkeys fly out of my butt. Get real, people. You all need to take intelligence tests or something. Oh ... and that John H. guy was fake ... yet someone claimed to KNOW HIM!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay ... That was my "closure" note to the world, shortly before I vanished from the net. Too many people doubted me and I didn't want to be caught, so I just vanished from the net for a while, letting things cool down. Here recently, with the advent of the US release, I was in full swing back on the net, roaming around, when I ran across people STILL DRAGGING MY OLD, ROTTEN SHIT AROUND! It was hilarious. After 6 months, there were STILL people believing that shit and starting fights over it!!! I had had my name in several top magazines (Gamepro, EGM, PSX, and a few others) with interviews with Square employees. The magazine would ask them about Aeris and some guy named Lansing, and each square employee denied all of it. And people still believed ME! I am writing this to quench all rumors about Aeris and the completeness of Final Fantasy 7. As Hironobu Sakaguchi said in an interview with one of the above-mentioned magazines : "Final Fantasy 7 was completed to the best of our ability and funding." If any of you question who I am, why not drop by #squareff7 on DALNet one day and let me know you don't believe that I am Ben LAnsing. I will do whatever it takes to prove it ... Zakna is still around sometimes in #aeris also ... and he knows my nick - Dariakus. Yes, I'm Dariakus. One of the leading ops on the #squareff7 channel on DALNet and also the head coordinator and HTMLer of the upcoming Web Guide for FF7. Oh well. If you guys still want to sling my shit around, that's cool and all, but you will be doing it KNOWING that you are an idiot, cause the SOURCE OF THAT RUMOR (myself) HAS JUST TOLD YOU ALL THAT IT WAS FAKE. IT WAS A LIE. GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES!!! Sincerely, Ben Lansing / Dariakus Personal Opinion:I first heard this rumor a long time ago, but I had a feeling it was bogus from the start. - Reno Personal Opinion: All I can say about this one is the creator admitted to it... Rude Status:False (PROVEN) 4. The Piano Theory It is believed that by playing Aeris' theme on the piano in the Shinra mansion you can make her ghost appear. It is also believed that after her ghost appears, you can talk to her and she will follow you out of the house to the Ancient City, and her spirit can re-enter her body...thus, she is revived! You can hear the Aeris theme near her house in Midgar, but it's long, I haven't been able to form notes from it. Personal Opinion: Come on whoever's talented at playing that piano, please try this Rude Personal Opinion: Aeris' theme can not be played on the piano. Her theme has notes that can't be used on the piano in the mansion and in Tifa's house. Tseng Status: False (PROVEN) 5. Black Materia When you are giving back the Black materia to Sephiroth at the Temple of the Ancients, talk to him as much as you can when Cloud is shaking. Then Sephiroth should take the Black Materia, BUT he wouldn't kill Aeris. Personal Opinion: Been there done that *stamps proven*Rude Status:False(PROVEN) 6. Holy Use Holy when u get it... Personal Opinion: No way to get Holy yet so false... Rude Personal Opinion: agreed... Tseng Status: False (PROVEN) 7. Nightfall A fairly recent one spread by Mirage1211. It is said you can see her one last time using the items won from the weapons to induce nightfall upon the forgotten capital and get past Mr. Fish. But yet again, the spreader of the rumour has admitted that it is not true. Personal Opinion: Creator admitted to it... Rude Status: False(PROVEN) 8. Mean to Tifa Simple this one. Be nice to her all throughout the game, don't let her die in battle and be nasty to Tifa. If done correctly, Tifa will jump in the way of Sephiroth and she will get killed. People say this is the most believable rumour. Personal Opinion: Didn't work... Rude Status:False(PROVEN) 9. 100 Tissues Just what do you do with all those tissues you win from battle square which you fought so hard for? Well, according to one little rumours, if you have 100 you can go to Mideel after it gets destoyed and give a tissue to one of the women there. She will use all 100 and tell you how to ressurect Aeris. Personal Opinion: Well, what a waste of time to get 99 tissues to prove a 100 tissue rumor falseRude Status:False(PROVEN) 10. Bone Village Trick . First or all, you have to give Cloud the Buster sword and take away all of his materia, go to Bone Village before you go to the Temple of the Ancients, dig up the lunar harp, go into the sleeping forest and get the Kjata summon, and give it to Cloud. Make it the only materia he has equipped. Go back to bone village, get the Midgar Key, and go to the church in the slums, stand on the flower bed and something will happen, once it happens, go to the Temple of the Ancients, keep aeris in your party at all times here, do the whole thing, and once Cloud goes outta control and gives sephiroth the black materia, you will have that dream, once u wake up go to Bone Village once again, in the sleeping forest, aeris should be there. IMPORTANT: Do not do the Wutai sub quest until the 2nd disc (after Aeris dies). This trick will allow Aeris to speak after she dies. Personal Opinion: Not bad I need to try this...Rude(well, an obvious thing happened here... which makes this false) Status: False(PROVEN) 11. Revisting the Burial Site A new one sent to me by Corvettechris To PROPERLY ressurect Aeris. First you need to have her #3 limit break. She also must have it on before she leaves your party to go to the Sleeping Forrest. Then you need to Master the Revive Materia, as well as obtain Aeris ultimate weapon The parasol. In order to get this weapon you have to basically shoot ALL the targets. You need at least 3000 or more points to win. Then equip Cloud with the Mastered Revive Materia. And go to the Forgotton City. Go to the pond that Aeris was laid in and if you do this properly Aeris should appear rising out of the water and joining your group. My sources say that the trick works. The only tricky part is getting her Ultimate weapon. I'm pretty sure that you have to do this on the second disk. Personal Opinion: This one is interesting because it doesn't need you to get past "Mr Fish" and also takes notice of the fact that Aeris was laid in the pool above the city outside Mr Fish's room and NOT in the smae room she died in (at least that's what it looked like tome in the FMV), maybe someone should try this. Darius Personal Opinion: Well, when I first read this I said oh false, then I red the fact she needed her level 3 limit then realized #3 so I did both... none worked and it's 5000 points to get her weapon Rude Status: False(PROVEN) My thoughts on the Aeris revival:I don't see how any rumor involving the revival of Aeris can be true. Her level 4 limit and ultimate weapon can be reached on disk 1, her ultimate weapon is much weaker and has less slots than all the other ones, She has no important role beyond disk 1. Why would squaresoft make a method to revive Aeris? That would require 2 seperate paths after disks 1, and I don't think Square would take the time to do that especially since (I am not quite sure if this is true or just a rumor) the game wasn't finished. They wouldn't have possibly been able to create 2 paths after disk 1 if that was true. Tseng |